
Contract Address Details


Contract Name
0xe6b328–04353e at 0x561668–ccd31f
0 KAVA ( )
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Contract source code

# @version 0.3.1
# (c) Curve.Fi, 2023
# Math for crypto pools with 2 coins
# Unless otherwise agreed on, only contracts owned by Curve DAO or
# Swiss Stake GmbH are allowed to call this contract.

interface Curve:
    def fee_gamma() -> uint256: view
    def out_fee() -> uint256: view
    def mid_fee() -> uint256: view

N_COINS: constant(int128) = 2
A_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 10000
MIN_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 10**10
MAX_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 2 * 10**16
MIN_A: constant(uint256) = N_COINS**N_COINS * A_MULTIPLIER / 10
MAX_A: constant(uint256) = N_COINS**N_COINS * A_MULTIPLIER * 100000

def geometric_mean(unsorted_x: uint256[N_COINS], sort: bool) -> uint256:
    (x[0] * x[1] * ...) ** (1/N)
    x: uint256[N_COINS] = unsorted_x
    if sort and x[0] < x[1]:
        x = [unsorted_x[1], unsorted_x[0]]
    D: uint256 = x[0]
    diff: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(255):
        D_prev: uint256 = D
        # tmp: uint256 = 10**18
        # for _x in x:
        #     tmp = tmp * _x / D
        # D = D * ((N_COINS - 1) * 10**18 + tmp) / (N_COINS * 10**18)
        # line below makes it for 2 coins
        D = (D + x[0] * x[1] / D) / N_COINS
        if D > D_prev:
            diff = D - D_prev
            diff = D_prev - D
        if diff <= 1 or diff * 10**18 < D:
            return D
    raise "Did not converge"

def newton_D(ANN: uint256, gamma: uint256, x_unsorted: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256:
    Finding the invariant using Newton method.
    ANN is higher by the factor A_MULTIPLIER
    ANN is already A * N**N

    Currently uses 60k gas
    # Safety checks
    assert ANN > MIN_A - 1 and ANN < MAX_A + 1  # dev: unsafe values A
    assert gamma > MIN_GAMMA - 1 and gamma < MAX_GAMMA + 1  # dev: unsafe values gamma

    # Initial value of invariant D is that for constant-product invariant
    x: uint256[N_COINS] = x_unsorted
    if x[0] < x[1]:
        x = [x_unsorted[1], x_unsorted[0]]

    assert x[0] > 10**9 - 1 and x[0] < 10**15 * 10**18 + 1  # dev: unsafe values x[0]
    assert x[1] * 10**18 / x[0] > 10**14-1  # dev: unsafe values x[i] (input)

    D: uint256 = N_COINS * self.geometric_mean(x, False)
    S: uint256 = x[0] + x[1]

    for i in range(255):
        D_prev: uint256 = D

        # K0: uint256 = 10**18
        # for _x in x:
        #     K0 = K0 * _x * N_COINS / D
        # collapsed for 2 coins
        K0: uint256 = (10**18 * N_COINS**2) * x[0] / D * x[1] / D

        _g1k0: uint256 = gamma + 10**18
        if _g1k0 > K0:
            _g1k0 = _g1k0 - K0 + 1
            _g1k0 = K0 - _g1k0 + 1

        # D / (A * N**N) * _g1k0**2 / gamma**2
        mul1: uint256 = 10**18 * D / gamma * _g1k0 / gamma * _g1k0 * A_MULTIPLIER / ANN

        # 2*N*K0 / _g1k0
        mul2: uint256 = (2 * 10**18) * N_COINS * K0 / _g1k0

        neg_fprime: uint256 = (S + S * mul2 / 10**18) + mul1 * N_COINS / K0 - mul2 * D / 10**18

        # D -= f / fprime
        D_plus: uint256 = D * (neg_fprime + S) / neg_fprime
        D_minus: uint256 = D*D / neg_fprime
        if 10**18 > K0:
            D_minus += D * (mul1 / neg_fprime) / 10**18 * (10**18 - K0) / K0
            D_minus -= D * (mul1 / neg_fprime) / 10**18 * (K0 - 10**18) / K0

        if D_plus > D_minus:
            D = D_plus - D_minus
            D = (D_minus - D_plus) / 2

        diff: uint256 = 0
        if D > D_prev:
            diff = D - D_prev
            diff = D_prev - D
        if diff * 10**14 < max(10**16, D):  # Could reduce precision for gas efficiency here
            # Test that we are safe with the next newton_y
            for _x in x:
                frac: uint256 = _x * 10**18 / D
                assert (frac > 10**16 - 1) and (frac < 10**20 + 1)  # dev: unsafe values x[i]
            return D

    raise "Did not converge"

def newton_y(ANN: uint256, gamma: uint256, x: uint256[N_COINS], D: uint256, i: uint256) -> uint256:
    Calculating x[i] given other balances x[0..N_COINS-1] and invariant D
    ANN = A * N**N
    # Safety checks
    assert ANN > MIN_A - 1 and ANN < MAX_A + 1  # dev: unsafe values A
    assert gamma > MIN_GAMMA - 1 and gamma < MAX_GAMMA + 1  # dev: unsafe values gamma
    assert D > 10**17 - 1 and D < 10**15 * 10**18 + 1 # dev: unsafe values D

    x_j: uint256 = x[1 - i]
    y: uint256 = D**2 / (x_j * N_COINS**2)
    K0_i: uint256 = (10**18 * N_COINS) * x_j / D
    # S_i = x_j

    # frac = x_j * 1e18 / D => frac = K0_i / N_COINS
    assert (K0_i > 10**16*N_COINS - 1) and (K0_i < 10**20*N_COINS + 1)  # dev: unsafe values x[i]

    # x_sorted: uint256[N_COINS] = x
    # x_sorted[i] = 0
    # x_sorted = self.sort(x_sorted)  # From high to low
    # x[not i] instead of x_sorted since x_soted has only 1 element

    convergence_limit: uint256 = max(max(x_j / 10**14, D / 10**14), 100)

    for j in range(255):
        y_prev: uint256 = y

        K0: uint256 = K0_i * y * N_COINS / D
        S: uint256 = x_j + y

        _g1k0: uint256 = gamma + 10**18
        if _g1k0 > K0:
            _g1k0 = _g1k0 - K0 + 1
            _g1k0 = K0 - _g1k0 + 1

        # D / (A * N**N) * _g1k0**2 / gamma**2
        mul1: uint256 = 10**18 * D / gamma * _g1k0 / gamma * _g1k0 * A_MULTIPLIER / ANN

        # 2*K0 / _g1k0
        mul2: uint256 = 10**18 + (2 * 10**18) * K0 / _g1k0

        yfprime: uint256 = 10**18 * y + S * mul2 + mul1
        _dyfprime: uint256 = D * mul2
        if yfprime < _dyfprime:
            y = y_prev / 2
            yfprime -= _dyfprime
        fprime: uint256 = yfprime / y

        # y -= f / f_prime;  y = (y * fprime - f) / fprime
        # y = (yfprime + 10**18 * D - 10**18 * S) // fprime + mul1 // fprime * (10**18 - K0) // K0
        y_minus: uint256 = mul1 / fprime
        y_plus: uint256 = (yfprime + 10**18 * D) / fprime + y_minus * 10**18 / K0
        y_minus += 10**18 * S / fprime

        if y_plus < y_minus:
            y = y_prev / 2
            y = y_plus - y_minus

        diff: uint256 = 0
        if y > y_prev:
            diff = y - y_prev
            diff = y_prev - y
        if diff < max(convergence_limit, y / 10**14):
            frac: uint256 = y * 10**18 / D
            assert (frac > 10**16 - 1) and (frac < 10**20 + 1)  # dev: unsafe value for y
            return y

    raise "Did not converge"

def fee_calc(pool: address, xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256:
    f = fee_gamma / (fee_gamma + (1 - K))
    K = prod(x) / (sum(x) / N)**N
    (all normalized to 1e18)
    fee_gamma: uint256 = Curve(pool).fee_gamma()
    f: uint256 = xp[0] + xp[1]  # sum
    f = fee_gamma * 10**18 / (
        fee_gamma + 10**18 - (10**18 * N_COINS**N_COINS) * xp[0] / f * xp[1] / f
    return (Curve(pool).mid_fee() * f + Curve(pool).out_fee() * (10**18 - f)) / 10**18

Contract ABI


Contract Creation Code


Deployed ByteCode
